• Requirements

  • SEALS 1

  • Must be minimum 3-5 years old.

  • No previous swimming experience required.

  • Must be coach ableand comfortable in water.

Additional Skills Obtained:
  • Able to submerge head and exhale underwater.

  • Able to open eyes underwater.

  • Perform a float on front and back for 5 seconds.

  • Jump into shallow water and climb out of pool.


Seals 2

  • Must be minimum 4-5 years old.

  • Must be able to exhale and open eyes underwater.

  • Perform float on front and back for 5 seconds.

  • Jump into shallow water.Previous skills will continue to be practiced until proficient.

  • Additional Skills Obtained:

  • Able to glide in streamline for 5 metres.

  • Able to perform float on front and back for 10 seconds.

  • Kick on front and back with board for 10 metres.

  • Kick on sides with board for 10 metres, half face breathing.

  • Jump into deep water and climb out.


Seals 3

  • Must be 4-6 years old.

  • Must be able to meet all previous level requirements.

  • Must be able to kick 10 metres on front and back metres with board.

  • Must be able to kick 10 metres on sides with board. ​​​​​​​Previous skills will continue to be practiced until proficient.

Additional Skills Obtained:
  • Able to complete 10 metres streamline kick on front and back.

  • Can perform Dolphin kick motion with or without fins.

  • Can complete a kneeling dive.

  • 25 metres freestyle and backstroke kick with board.

  • 25 metres kicking on sides with board, half face breathing


Seals 4

  • Must be able to meet all previous level requirements.

  • Must be able to complete 10 metres streamline freestyle kick unassisted with or without fins

  • Can Perform dolphin kick motion with or without fins.

  • Must be able to swim 25 metres freestyle and backstroke kick unassisted with board. 

  • Must be able to perform 25 metres kicking on sides, half face breathing.Previous skills will continue to be practiced until proficient.

  • Additional Skills Obtained:

  • Able to swim 100 metres freestyle kick with board with or without fins.

  • Able to perform 50 metres freestyle swim with board.

  • Able to perform 50 metres streamline freestyle kick.

  • Able to perform 25 metres freestyle swim proficiently.

  • Able to perform a stationary flip turn.

  • Able to perform kneeling dives.

  • Able to perform underwater dolphin kick. 



Seals 5

  • Must be able to meet all previous level requirements.

  • Must be able to complete 100 metres kick continuously on front with the kick board with or without fins.

  • Must be able to swim 50 freestyle with board.

  • Must be able to swim 25 freestyle proficiently

  • Must be able to complete 25 metres dolphin kick with or without the kick board.

  • Must be able to complete a dive and flip turn.

  • Previous skills will continue to be practiced until proficient.​​​​​​​

    Additional Skills Obtained:
  • Able to swim 50 metres backstroke swim with board.

  • Able to perform 100 metres backstroke kick with or without board.

  • Able to perform 25 metres backstroke swim proficiently.

  • Able to perform backstroke start.

  • Able to stroke count into wall.

  • Able to perform underwater dolphin kick on back (arms by sides).

  • Previous skills will continue to be practiced until proficient.

Seals 6
  • Must be able to meet all previous level requirements.

  • Must be able to swim 25 metres streamline kick from underwater start and hold streamline (preferably dolphin).

  • Must be able to complete 50 metres backstroke with board.

  • Must be able to complete 25 metres backstroke swim proficiently.

  • Must be able to kick continuously for 100 metres on back with or without board.

  • Previous skills will continue to be practiced until proficient.

    Additional Skills Obtained:
  • Freestyle and Backstroke test sets/races i.e. 4x25@2.

  • Able to scull for 25 metres.

  • Able to swim 50 metres Freestyle and Backstroke proficiently.

  • Able to perform breaststroke kick for 100 metres with board.

  • Able to perform 25 metres breaststroke swim proficiently.

  • Able to perform two-hand touch turns.

  • Able to perform track start.

  • Able to perform underwater pull-out.


Seals 7

  • Must be able to meet all previous level requirements.

  • Must be able to perform underwater streamline breakout and hold a full 8 dolphin kicks.

  • Must be able to complete 50 metres dolphin kick with or without board.

  • Must be able to complete 100 metres breaststroke kick.

  • Must be able to swim 25 metres breaststroke proficiently.

  • Must be able to complete 25 metres freestyle in under 1 minute.

  • Must be able to complete 25 metres backstroke in under 1m30s.

  • Previous skills will continue to be practiced until proficient

    Additional Skills Obtained:

  • Freestyle and Backstroke test sets/races i.e. 4x25@1.

  • Able to complete 50 metres of “Worm” Drill with good timing.

  • Able to perform dolphin kick for 100 metres with or without fins.

  • Able to swim 50 metres butterfly drill with fins.

  • Able to perform 25 metres butterfly swim proficiently.

  • Able to perform a relay takeover.

  • Has a basic understanding of individual medley, All four competitive strokes?

  • After learning all four strokes swimmers can join the Swim Team and participate in competition. ​​​​​​​




Swimmers Can swim 200IM with starts and turns.



Swimmers can swim 200 IM in 4 min.



Qualifications times in one event for Divisional Championship.



Qualifications times in one event at  Provincials Championship