Newsletters for JULY, 2024
SUMMER is here and all of us enjoying the sun . It is nice to swim outdoors and we got new members at Burnaby  and Surrey location.   Congratulations to all swimmers that have been promoted to the next Seal and Swim Team ! SUMMER SCHEDULE OF PRACTICES 
 Edmonds pool 6-8 am from 5th May, 2024  and end on 28th July, 2024.  
​​​​​​​ ROBERT BURNABY POOL 4-6pm Mo. We. Fr.
from 27th May to 30th AUGUST, 2024.
GUILDFOR POOL STARTING JUNE 22nd to July 28th,2024


Monday 1st of July is Canada Day and to Celebrate it we are going to have a Fundraising Swim Meet at Robert Burnaby pool from 4-6pm and the Summer Barbecue in the park after swimming. Dynamo will provide hot dogs , hamburgers and drinks. Everyone can participate and bring their favorite food , salads and deserts.
Swimmers can collect money from family and friends to sponsor them for each lane they can swim. Sponsors can pay a minimum $2  for each lane swimmers can swim. Coaches are going to count their lanes and collect the money. At the end of the hour swimming coaches are going to give the results of Fundraising for each swimmer. Swimmers are getting prizes for the amount they raise .
1st  Place - Dynamo T Shirt, Hoodie, Cap and Goggles- $100 value 
2nd Place- Dynamo Hoodie, cap, goggles -$70 value
3rd place- Dynamo T shirt , goggles, cap-$50-value Every swimmer is going to win a prize.
After the swimming we are having the Summer Barbecue .  At the Barbecue we are going to do the Pick a Number Board Fundraiser for parents and swimmers.
​​​​​​​1. Understanding the Pick a Number Board Fundraiser What Is It? At its core, the “Pick a Number Board Fundraiser” is a unique, interactive way to raise money for a cause. Imagine a large board or poster divided into a grid, with each square or segment containing a number. Each number represents a specific donation amount or a predetermined category of prizes. Participants, driven by curiosity, excitement, or a sense of community, are prompted to select a number, contributing the corresponding amount to the fundraising goal.
The process of a “Pick a Number Board Fundraiser” is designed to be straightforward and enjoyable. Here’s how it typically works: Setup: First, you prepare the board with numbers. This can be done on a physical poster, a chalkboard, or even a digital platform if you prefer an online approach. Each number on the board will correspond to a specific donation amount. For instance, number 1 might represent a $5 donation, while number 50 could symbolize a $50 donation. Choosing a Number: Participants then choose their favorite number or a number that holds significance to them, and contribute the corresponding amount. The appeal here is often driven by personal connections to specific numbers, or simply the thrill of making a random choice. Element of Surprise: To add an extra layer of excitement, some fundraisers integrate surprise elements, such as hidden prizes or raffle entries behind certain numbers. This gamification aspect keeps participants engaged and motivated to contribute more. Donation and Rewards: After picking a number, the participant donates the specified amount. In return, they might receive a small token of appreciation, recognition on a donor wall, or the chance to win a prize if their number had one assigned.

1- MINI MEET - 7th April , Sunday 6-8 am - Edmonds pool Burnaby- everyone can participate
2-Whistler BC 25-26 May, 2024- Seals 5, 6, 7, Swim Team 3- MINI MEET -2nd June 2024- Edmonds pool 6-8 am everyone can participate
4- PSW Invitational 9-10 June,2024 - Need 4 min in 200IM to participate
5- Provincial Divisional Swim Meet 28-30 June, 2024 in Chilliwak , BC-Need to qualify
6-Provincial Championship 11-14 , July , 2024 in Kamloops, BC -need to qualify.
Please talk with your coaches about the swim meet you would like to participate. See you at the pool, Lidia Menzies Director of swimming

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