​​​​​​​Dynamo Newsletter July 2022

​​​​​​​July was full of events month for Dynamo swimmers.
We would like to Congratulate all the swimmer that join the Swim Team and were promoted from one Seal to the next!
All your hard work this season paed off. You are swimming all the strokes and are safe to be around the water and enjoy all water sports.Swim Team did excellent performance this season winning medals at Regional Champioship and Qualified 3 swimmers for the Division Provincial Champioship in Chilliwak.Swim Team travel to Whistler and Victoria for a fun competition to qualify for next level competitions for this season and next.Excellent Results in Victoria last week end with all the team making the Finals.The winner of the most points in the competition was Jenna and Jason
Congratulations to you!
We also had fun visiting the capital of BC and dinner with the team.

Last MINI Meet is Friday 29th July at Robert Burnaby pool 4:30-6:00 pm and the End of the Season Barbeque.
Next Season is going to START on Monday 19th September, 2022 at CGBrown pool. Registration is going to be open in August.
Have a safe and great summer and looking forward to see you at the pool in September.